09 Jan Characteristics of clients we prefer to work with
By Mike Gambino
I enjoy running my own businesses because I love and have a passion for the art of designing, building and servicing our custom landscape lighting systems on a daily basis. There is also a tremendous feeling of satisfaction when we are finished and the client is totally satisfied and appreciative of our hard work. But, when the wrong client buys one of our systems these clients can quickly take all the pleasure and reward out of being in business and working for them to achieve their goals. Characteristics of the “wrong” client are for a different blog article. This one will take a more positive tone and describe the client types that we work best with.
Financial means- Obviously nothing can move forward if the financial ability to afford one of our systems is not there.
Desire a professional consultation and not just a “Free estimate”- Are not just looking for something for free and know there is no such thing as a “Free estimate” as costs must be recouped somewhere.
Are Serious Buyers- Not price shoppers who are bid collectors that do nothing with the information but instead move forward now with a high performance landscape lighting system.
Find value in the following attributes and are willing to pay more for peace of mind.
1- Responsibility- We will be there when we say we will be there and complete projects on time as promised and honor our warranties.
2- Quality- Appreciate and want the highest quality service and products that will last.
3- Specialists- Desire to work with a licensed and fully insured legal company that does landscape lighting only.
4- Consistency- We follow systems and procedures developed over 25 years in the same business so each and every project is completed on time and on budget to the clients satisfaction.
5- Honesty- We admit to mistakes and make amends for them.
Due diligence Completed- Either have seen our work (live or by photos on or website or Facebook pages) or come highly recommended or at the very least has interviewed others and have contacted us last. They do not make apples to oranges comparisons and expect us to lower our prices when comparing to inferior products and service providers.
Decision makers- Our best clients know what they want (at least when they see it) and don’t procrastinate and are able to make quick confident decisions they are comfortable with and stick to without regret.
Nice People- Except for having the financial capability, probably the most important trait is that the primary person whom we are dealing with is reasonable, positive, open to new ideas, flexible and has a pleasant disposition and treats myself and my team with respect and dignity.
Availability– Sometimes during a custom build, decision makers need to be reached on a moments notice. Although they may be busy, their lighting project is seen as a priority and make themselves available for meetings or by phone without delay should the need arise.
Desire an Ongoing relationship- Wish to retain us to care for the lighting system that we designed and built for them. Wouldn’t think of having anyone else touch their system as they know that it is in both theirs and our best interest to do so.
Are a source for Referrals– If a good experience is had with us they do not hesitate to highly recommend us to all of their family and friends who may have a need. They understand that it is important that our business stays strong and thrives so we will be around to honor warranty and provide service for their system long into the future.
Trust- Confidence that we are the best most qualified company for their project and there is no need to micromanage the project allowing us to focus on their project and do the best job for them.
Pay bills on time– Honor their own commitments and appreciate that Cash flow is crucial for any small business!
There you have it. If you are planning a landscape lighting project and possess at least 80% of the above characteristics then there is a very good chance that we will work very well together and we’d like to hear from you.
This landscape lighting blog is published by Mike Gambino of Gambino landscape lighting inc. all rights reserved. Mike is a professional landscape lighting system designer/ builder and has been designing, installing and maintaining landscape lighting systems for more than 20 years. Mike resides in the Los Angeles area with his wife and 2 sons. To visit his website go to www.gambinolighting.com . To inquire about hiring Mike please click here .
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