17 Jun Effective Landscape Lighting for outdoor Garden Parties in Los Angeles
By Mike Gambino
With our temperate southern California climate it is possible to plan outdoor garden parties virtually 365 days a year. However with summer season upon us many people are planning parties outside the home and in the garden. Homeowners should make sure that their lighting is sufficient, effective and up to the task.
Patio’s where food and drink consumption occur will be the most populated area of your property. Patio’s should have two separate and distinct levels of lighting. The first is task lighting directly over outdoor kitchens, barbecue, tables where food is to be prepared and served. People like to see what they are eating. Switches that make it possible to turn this task lighting off when not in use is helpful and recommended.
Second level is more subdued accent lighting in the balance of the space that creates ambiance and establishes mood. This is usually accomplished by bounce or indirect lighting of the space. Keeping light directly out of guests eyes is very important.
Assuming you have one, many of your guests will spend a good portion of the evening around the edge of the pool. The fact that many of them will not actually get in the water makes it even more important to make sure than sufficient light both in and around the pool and that fixtures are working safely and according to manufacturer specs. People will notice defective garden lighting equipment that is in poor condition more when they are milling around than when they are splashing around, so don’t let your patio’s superb appearance be diminished by inadequate lighting fixtures or dark patches of inadequate light.
Keep in mind also that people like to wander around. That means they will be wandering through your yard looking for special moments in a beautifully lighted landscape. Pathways need to be well-lighted with garden path lighting so people can see where they are going and admire all of the beautiful aspects of your landscaping. It goes to follow that points of interest like fountains, arbors, seating areas beneath trees, and outdoor buildings need special lighting so your guests can get the most out of the experience. In addition changes in grade or potentially dangerous parts of the property need to either be eliminated from access to your guests or properly illuminated to avoid anyone from being harmed by them.
If you are uncertain if your landscape lighting is safe and adequate enough to perform under these conditions, please e-mail us or call at 805-579-9934 so we can go over your options.
Another option to consider is investing in more energy efficient lighting. Outdoor LED lighting can create spectacular effects on a landscape while simultaneously using far less power than your existing halogen incandescent landscape lighting fixtures. Do not assume that just because you have already purchased low voltage lighting equipment that the low voltage factor alone guarantees maximum power savings. Think about how much more power costs you will save if you run low voltage LED lights in places like your natural pond, fountain, swimming pool, reflecting pond, or custom garden.
Also, don’t forget about the importance of the pathway lighting I mentioned. Lighting pathways with bright, bulky lights is a waste of money and often ruins the romance of the garden. Instead, let us calculate just how much light you need for safety and install some super efficient LED garden pathway lighting fixture whose lamp wattage are significantly lower than you are currently using and whose ambience is more appropriate for the task.
Finally, if you already have a Gambino landscape lighting system installed, please have us check the system for you shortly before the party. The effects they create are quite remarkable, but they do need special care and service from time to time to make sure they are aimed properly and are unobstructed by dirty lenses or blocked by plant materials. Plan early and don’t let one of these magical lights be out when you need them for your garden party.
This landscape lighting blog is published by Mike Gambino of Gambino landscape lighting inc. all rights reserved. Mike is a professional landscape lighting system designer/ builder and has been designing, installing and maintaining landscape lighting systems for more than 20 years. Mike resides in the Los Angeles area with his wife and 2 sons. To visit his website go to www.Gambinolighting.com . To inquire about hiring Mike please click here .
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