02 May Installing someone else’s design or ideas
by Mike Gambino
Every once in awhile I will have a project that for whatever reason my design ideas or guidance and advice is not listened to.
This sometimes happens when a homeowner or their architect or interior designer or other family member thinks they know exactly what they want and how many lights and where they should be placed to achieve that look.
No offense to the property owners or their well intending advisors but respectfully they are not the best to make the final determination on those issues.
No one knows the capabilities and nuances of my lighting fixtures and lamps better than me. So for someone who doesn’t know to make recommendations in the dark (pardon the pun) that can be a recipe for disaster.
I have no problem with input from owners or others advice when I am comfortable and confident that the end result will ultimately be what the client and I will be happy with when the project is built.
My policy has always been to do my best to advise a client if I feel what is being asked will not work or achieve the objective.
In the end it is ultimately the clients choice and if that is what they want then that is what I will build. However I am also very clear that in the event that work will be needed to remedy the situation it will come at the additional cost to the client and not my company.
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